Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Marshall Islands

The Marshall Islands is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean. Boy, that sounds interesting, doesn't it? Wait, there's more! The Marshall Islands were originally settled in the 2nd millennium BC by Micronesians, who had way too much time on their hands. Literally nothing else happened between then and 1526, when the islands were stumbled upon by Alonso Salazar, a doomed Spanish explorer who was probably in no way excited to have been the first European to discover the Marshall Islands. If anything, he probably said something like "Oh look, an island that we did not previously know was there. Let's name it something and get outta here." He named it San Bartolome, after the patron saint of honestly not caring at all. In 1788, and English captain, John Marshall, arrived and named the islands after himself. For some reason, that's the name the stuck. After that, some other stuff happened.

Following World War II, the United States used the Marshall Islands' Bikini Atoll to practice blowing shit up on. The results have been documented in Wes Craven's horror classic, "The Marshall Islands Have Eyes."

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