Sunday, April 11, 2010


Located in northwestern Africa along the coastline of the Red Sea, Eritrea is where all the water went when Moses and the Hebrews were leaving Egypt in the Old Testament. Bet you never thought about that, did you? Charlton Heston is making this big, dramatic escape while a bunch of Eritreans are getting their houses demolished in an inexplicable tidal wave. God is really kind of a dick when you think about it. The capital, Asmara, looks like nothing so much as mile after mile of giant overturned Kleenex boxes. In the 19th century, Eritrea was colonized by Italy. I think that's kind of sad.

Despite the embarrassment of Italian rule, Eritrea at least got a railroad out of the deal (Italy just got the self-esteem boost, and that wore off pretty fast).


  1. Lol, overturned kleenex eh :)

    I think they might have survived, cos it is 7800Ft above sea level.
    Here is some more detailed info on the beautiful city of Asmara.

  2. Hey man, thanks for the comment, but given how thoroughly I've demonstrated that the entire scope of my worldliness comes from obsessively roaming Wikipedia, it was probably a bit optimistic to expect that I could read Greek.
