Tuesday, September 18, 2012


All right regular dudes, it's been awhile but I'm back, because I'm bored and it's raining outside. The reason it's taken me more than a year to come up with a new entry is because this country, Seychelles, is really hard to write about without just recycling everything I've already said about every other useless island chain (Do you all really need to be your own sovereign states, useless island chains? It is the opinion of this author that you do not). Seychelles, located in the Indian Ocean, seems nice enough, but that might be because I've only been able to do the bare minimum of research without getting bored, then sleepy, then watching old Prince clips on YouTube for about two and a half hours before making a sandwich while singing "Purple Rain" out loud to myself and quietly hoping that none of my roommates are home. The capital is Victoria. That's a picture of it down there. We're back, team! Congratulations!

This is Victoria. Seems pretty nice, right? Who cares, though? It's not like you'll ever go there.

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