Sunday, February 21, 2010


Australia is weird in that it is a continent and a country at the same time. It's like, make up your minds, you fucks. The only reason white people live there is because back in the day, England needed a good place to dump everyone who annoyed them. Contrary to popular belief, most of Australia's inhabitants are not criminals, but that's sort of a misnomer because the only thing that's officially illegal there is sobriety. Another unusual thing about Australia is that nobody has ever been more than twenty miles inland, although scientists hypothesize that most of the country "looks a lot like Nevada." In the continent's interior, these scientists suppose, mythical giant jackrabbits box each other while adorable tree kittens feast on eucalyptus leaves. Really though, nobody knows for sure.

An artist's rendering of one of inland Australia's hypothetical animals. It might look cute, but don't let that fool you; this mugfugger could beat your ass (hypothetically).

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